BW photo challenge cut short! :(

As I prepped to shoot day 11 of 14 for my photo challenge I got a call from my friend Shanik. He unexpectedly needed the RICOH back. So just like that the challenge came to a skreeeeching halt. But no worries! Let me break down what I've learned over the last 10 days.

1. Consistency breeds output. The 10 blog posts I created over the 10 days is more than I created in the last year, yes the last year!

2. The "right time" doesn't exist. Shooting now, posting now, sharing now, taking action now is way more of a productive process than over-thinking and putting out less work. Improve as you share your work!

3. Black and White photography helps your eye focus. Since I forced myself to shoot exclusively in BW I had no choice but to look for interesting scenes, find the beauty in the mundane and set myself up in a position to capture a great shot.

4. Bring your camera everywhere! Because I brought my RICOH with me every day I was able to give myself a chance to capture everything and anything I came across. Don't assume you'll "get the shot" later so be prepared and always carry it.

5. Have fun? hahaa! I struggled with this on the first few days. I was mad, grumpy, complaining about the carema settings, the weather, you name it! But by day 6 I thought, what's the point of doing this exercise if it's not fun to you? Chill, have fun and be thankful for the process. 

What's next? Well, I'm gonna do my first film camera challenge. Stay tuned!


Day 1 - 10 (left-right)

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