BW Photo a Day challenge 003/014

This morning I woke up pretty energized. It was my wife's birthday and I wanted to make her blueberry pancakes, they turned out alright, I think she actually liked them. :D

Building off the positive energy from the AM, I felt good about finding a couple of gems along my travels today. The skies were clear for the most part and the sun was shining. 

003/014 - Nov. 29, 2017 Underpass bridge on Victoria Park south of Gerrard

Photo 003 story:
I'm getting the hang of the "Exposure Compensation" function. It helped when I wanted to add more contrast. I'll I did was turn the dial -1.3 to the left. I'm currently shooting in "Tv" mode on the GR. Funny story here, I had to catch up to this man as I missed him walking through the first two spaces. Lovely light and shadows all around.

Good night!


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